The true answer to “is 100 Mbps fast internet?” – it’s all relative! Mbps (Millions of bits per second) is used to define the network speed. ISPs provide different speed packages depending on the market and technology available in the area. So, depending on the area you live in, “How fast is 100 Mbps?” could […]
What Internet Can I Get in My Area?
Many Internet users still continue to struggle with the complicated lines of prose contained within the FAQs section (located inside the ‘Help’ tab) of virtually every Internet Service Provider’s webpage. And the reasons behind this (often overwhelming) state of acquired confusion are plenty. Since most ISPs are motivated by a profit-maximizing desire to increase their […]
Best Cable and Internet Providers in Your Area
Just Like many other families, you must be concerned about trimming down your budget. The first thing you might get ticked off with is the monthly bill you’re paying for availing services of the best Cable and Internet Providers in your area. The internet, TV, and phone service may just seem like an extra burden […]
Analyzing the Trends in Modern TV Consumption
Saying that the television industry is going through a change is an overused understatement. TV is going through a rapid, and sometimes confusing, evolutionary process. Broadcast giants like TimeWarner and the Fox Network are facing intense competition from game-changing new arrivals like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. However, despite all this turmoil, viewers are still […]
Disney has Acquired Fox’s film and TV Studios- Is This Big?
Yes, it’s official: Disney has acquired 21st Fox TV and Film studios for $52.4 billion. Disney has officially confirmed the acquisition (a year, however, will be required for closing the deal), and will take over everything from the 20th Century Fox movie studio to the company’s TV production arm 20th Century Fox Television, the company’s […]